
"R2's" voice of the upcoming hot mM beginners (1) - arcade mop

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The eve of his niece, fast novice gamers "of R2" are familiar with simple, OurGame Company "R2's" mM operations team for the players association, the voice of all Chinese, animated tutorial for beginners production, the country of foxes, ongoing post-production to make it inviting, animation composition, this is officially released November 30

Pictures of the beautiful land of treason by a demon, Qing Qing voice to create a fox. From the beginning of the game, animated tutorial for beginners, is set in relation to the establishment of a detailed tutorial character animation, the most detailed way, the link that appears in front of everybody's voice the most amiable interface, including the entire animation in the game selection screen, I have to believe that another major "R2's" favorite players.

Fox mM of the R2 "to" dress allocation Declaration of Human Rights

Join hands, carefree "in R2", and share feelings, to create an outstanding location!

National Association of Fox introduced:

We have a loving home of its own;

We love each other sisters.

We respect ourselves and respect others;

We love life love of the game.

We have a fascinating story of women Zhai;

We have people self-discipline through the millennium, the

We are convinced that the personification of courtesy and beautiful

We have a common Kingdom - countries that share a fox!

Because, first of all the girls, the common interests come together with a network of several mM, they are to discuss the games, chat speak their minds because, with complete joy, therefore, The only hope of society did not have too much trouble to get established in these women. Through the efforts of this most beautiful women, the ultimate establishment of the society only Fox mM.

MM Association can enjoy the harmony of our game in Fox's inner sanctum, family, sister, as well as to enjoy life is to fully display his talents on the world stage to play a large order.

"R2" I was shocking! www.R2online.cn

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